2012 seniors
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Lady of the Lake

Lady of the lake top Model Challange for Seniors senior pictures Senior Pictures on the Beach: Chapters Photography

The special is adding a fine art interpretive portrait to your high school session.  You will be invited to create a top model experience for your hss pictures.  The studio will build a shallow "pond" for you to play in.  The water will be 6 to 8 inches deep, fresh water, the temp of a warm bath.  

It is time to be creative and be in the moment.  Tyra would tell you it is time to be fierce.  Bring up to 3 outfits you think would look good underwater.  Dont forget your water proof make up.  Dont worry about you hair.  It is getting wet any way.  Get some cool ideas from your friends.  Just dont tell them the dress you are borrowing will be getting wet.  What a great way to start the summer. In july you will come back and do you hss when you have a tank.
